Post 4: Is anything really private anymore? Protecting yourself in the digital age.
What are teens sharing online? This is only my second year teaching, but I have been working with youth for the last eight years. Throughout this time, I have witnessed my fair share of students' issues in the online world. I have also seen the same in unsafe use in my teenage years. People in my high school have gotten in trouble over things shared online. There was a group of male students in my school who gathered and shared a large number of explicit images of female students amongst themselves. Once word started to spread that a group of students were doing such a thing, the administrators at my school called the police, who came in and launched a small investigation. All the students had lengthy talks with the police, their parents and the principal. Afterwards, the boys were suspended, but nothing further was done. As a teacher, I have seen some similar issues arise with students and some other unsafe uses of technology. Some situations have involved the sharing of explicit...